Saturday, July 27, 2024
 Lah.   Go ahead, say it.   It's kinda' like saying 'aaa' at the dentist, only shorter, and with a little more love. Got it? Good. Because 'Lah' is the word that will turn your trip in Malaysia into a great adventure. It's the open...
My first glimpse of La Sagrada Familia, a fanciful looking cathedral and the most imposing landmark in the city of Barcelona, is of curious tourists gazing toward the sheer verticality of the somewhat melted cake like structure.  'If you only...
In Malaysia, the country’s cultural diversity and soul is best expressed through its love for food and the makan.   The city train heading to the town center whizzes by fast after halting for a few seconds at Kuala Lumpur Central...
 Against the closing of spring and just as summer is about to make its anticipated entrance, our car zoomed along the curvy asphalt, passing several “Ausfahrt” signs with France miles away. The further we drove, the more it became...
Bangkok has it all. But what makes every traveler keeps on coming back to Thailand's capital? The secret lies in its notorious street food.  Why do I find it hard not to be charmed or even excited by the shattering...
on some occasions, certain details are more questionable than others. For example: the day of the week. Could it still be Friday? Most likely. But it surely wasn’t a Friday because I am in Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA),...
The effervescent city of Marseille possesses a unique charm and character. The best way to appreciate France's second-largest city, is to sample its soup.  Bouillabaisse .  For first timers, getting the correct pronunciation is hard. Spelling it is even harder....
 Between Vienna’s imposing Parliament Building and its famous university which dates back to medieval times, there sits a classic newspaper-laden Viennese café that bears the impress of uncompromising dignity.Inside you will find a wooden interior of exquisitely varnished columns,...
 How do you keep a still gaze on Michelangelo’s David? Well, I did not. Forget about his biblical nature. David is butt-naked!A quick look at the exhibitionistic piece of marble is enough to arouse one’s imagination. Oh yes! Tell...
The trials and tribulations of learning a new language in 30 days the French way.Curiously we get to see the world through our own little keyhole. Mine however is by flying halfway around the world, crossing 13 different time...



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